I am Kavita Behera, author and creator of #theweeklychart

This blog post is about charts and visualizations.

The idea behind these postings is to educate and inform developers about the options available. There is a perfect visual for every type of data set, so why not leverage it?

Every Wednesday, I introduce a new visual type and ask a question about it under #theweeklychart.

Join in the discussion and share your thoughts about the charts on LinkedIn.


List of visuals I have talked about so far:

1. Activity Gauge

To learn more about different types of chart follow #theweeklychart by Kavita Behera

2. Bar Chart

To learn more about different types of chart follow #theweeklychart by Kavita Behera

3. Candlestick

To learn more about different types of chart follow #theweeklychart by Kavita Behera

4. Horizon Chart

To learn more about different types of chart follow #theweeklychart by Kavita Behera

5. Pie Chart

To learn more about different types of chart follow #theweeklychart by Kavita Behera

6. Scatter Plot

To learn more about different types of chart follow #theweeklychart by Kavita Behera

7. Sunburst Chart

To learn more about different types of chart follow #theweeklychart by Kavita Behera

8. Waterfall Chart

To learn more about different types of chart follow #theweeklychart by Kavita Behera

9. Word Cloud 

Happy learning!


